During the month of July, we received 2 Social workers as Volunteers Sarah and Lara from Germany who will be working for Kwathu for a period of three Months. During their stay they will mainly spend time with the Children, help out Mamas and part of administration work.
On the other hand, we as well had a Christian fellowship Global Challenge from South Africa. During their 8 days visit at Kwathu, they helped in putting glass panes on two bed roomed house at the plot, painted under coat inside the same house and besides they spent some quality time with the Children.
In the Month of July Willard and Eustus celebrated their Birthday; 3rd July Willard turned 12 years and on the 14th July Eustus turned 12 years. Birthdays at kwathu are always special. Hollie one of our Volunteers together with the visiting teams baked some Muffins for the two birthday boys and later on played some different games with the Children and each Child was given a k20 and later on taken to Shoprite to buy a toy or food of their choice. Generally the Children had a good time.
Furthermore, the 2 volunteers started working on a project of writing Memory Books with the Children. These are books, where the children fill in different papers with different information, like Children`s wishes, Kwathu family, friends and a lot more. These books will help the children to remember the times at Kwathu when they grow. The Children are really having fun to make it with the volunteers and they are actually interested.
On the other hand, in the middle of the month, we said goodbye to Hollie who unveiled herself whole in the lives of the children. She supported Kwathu for 8 months. We thank God that she was open to help out in anything possible without complaining. The children and staff were really sad, that she was leaving.
Finally during this month, most work has progressed at the building site; the main building has been raised to the ring beam and we thank God that the Borehole drilling was successfully done although there is still need to work on the pumps and the water tanks. We also thank the sponsors Hope Builders who donated and installed the borehole.
Please pray with us on these requests
Funding for the 5 bedroomed house. We need to raise US$ 3000 for the remaining 3 block layer on the big house to conclude all brick work. Then we can start working on the roof which needs in total US$ 17,000.
Pray for courage, faith and understanding that we can accomplish the goals we set for Kwathu and that the children can live grow and mature in His daily goodness and loving kindness.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Psalm 127:3.