About Us

What is KwathuKwathu is a Nyanja word which means “my place or my home,” providing a loving and caring family environment for vulnerable children aged 2 to 17 years to live within and call home. We are a registered charitable project in Livingstone, Zambia with registration number: RNGO 101/0284/14. Kwathu Children’s Home is a non-profit, community faith-based home in Livingstone, Zambia that provides shelter, education, psychosocial support, care for HIV infected and affected children, and life skills to vulnerable children in a healthy, stable and safe environment.

Our Vision: Kwathu’s Vision is for a socially just community in which all children have equitable access to education, shelter, health, support, care, love and have a place to call home.

We are working towards creating a self-sustaining home; a home that is created by followers of Christ to make disciples of all nations starting with each abandoned child; empowering mothers to break the cycle of abuse, poverty and disease by teaching family building skills and trades in order to strengthen hearts and build prosperity.

Kwathu Home is launching a radical movement to provide a working, educational and relational environment that you can invest in through prayer, participation, building opportunities and teaching while utilising the resources indigenous to Livingstone.

MISSION STATEMENT: “To provide a home with a healthy, stable and safe family environment for orphaned and vulnerable children.”