May to June updates

Obet and Francis Celebrated their Birthday in this  month. Obet turned 7 on 3rd May and Francis our oldest boy in the home turned 13 years on 5th May. On Obet’s birthday the children had a very good meal and they danced and had lots and lots of fun. They had muffins also. Britney and Floor played water games with the children and it was a lovely time. With the K 20 given to Obet He bought some apples and grapes which he enjoyed. The same was true with Francis. Nice time of dancing and eating at home with his friends and later a visit to Shoprite were he bought nice things for himself to enjoy. Kwathu Children look forward to their birthdays    because it is their special day.

On 13th may the children reported back school. We are hoping that this time the children will even do better in school this second term.

In the month of May we had Britney from Canada and Floor from Netherlands who had been helping out as volunteers they left. It was nice having them around. They helped the children with home work, playing with them and doing any chores that they were called upon to do. As Kwathu we are thankful to God for such people who are like extra hands whose contribution we value greatly. Hollie also took some time off to visit family back in the US. We are expecting her back next month.

In the Month of June,Hollie was welcomed back from her holiday and will be leaving next month.

25th June peter and Linto celebrated their Birthdays, Peter turned 12 years and Linto turned 7 years. We as well had a group of a Christian  fellowship the Barn from south Africa who took time to play different games with the Children and  helped bake muffins for the celebrations.

Each Child received a present and got a k20 which they used to buy a toy they liked and some nice yummy food from Shoprite.

On the other hand in the same month, we lost of our dedicated and hard working Mama Agatha may her soul rest in peace!

The walls of a five bed roomed structure has been raised to a window level, thank you Graceklein for your donation and the ring beam is being put. In addition the two bed roomed house at the same plot has been roofed,plustered,fixed window frames/glass-pane and has as well been painted outside by a Christian group the Barn.

The Bible says He who refreshes others he himself will be refreshed. Thank you to all our partners and friends be it financial or prayer partners. We are thankful to God for all of you we know only God will reward and refresh you for the support you have continued to render to Kwathu Children Home. No help is too small or too big what we know is that all help is inspired by your love for the children.

Please pray with us on these requests

  1. Funding for the 5 bedroomed house. We need to raise US$ 3000 for the remaining 3 block layer on the big house to conclude all brick work. Then we can start working on the roof which needs in total US$ 17,000.
  2. Pray for all our children and staff in this time of bereavement over the loss of our staff and mother to Kwathu children, may her soul rest in eternal peace.
  3. Pray for courage, faith and understanding that we can accomplish the goal we set for Kwathu and that the children can live grow and mature in His daily goodness and loving kindness.


Thank you and God bless you more.

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