November and December Newsletter 2019

Christmas celebrations

The Christmas season was a time of massive celebrations! We hosted a Christmas party for Kwathu School, a party for the children’s home AND a party for our partners, The Big Hippo (the Helds.) See some of our pictures below.

Cultural dances characterised by energy-draining movements


A big congratulations to our boy Linto who graduated from his 7th grade! The Kwathu Family is very proud of you.

Education is a key to a better future. Thanks to our partners for the continued support of these children’s education.

In the same vein, Rodiah, our 5th Grader, was awarded for being the most improved pupil in her class. We are delighted about both students achievements and we always pray for our children to reach higher heights in their academics and careers.


It is always a joy to celebrate someone’s birthday. We are all so unique and valued. It was Anna’s birthday and her sister and brother came to witness that great moment.

Community/Charity work

It is always heart fulfilling and satisfying to be able to give to the communities around us. Here, the staff are busy distributing diapers to the community. This will really go a long way for mothers in our surrounding communities.


God’s grace always sustains us through generous well-wishers and those who are moved in their hearts to serve the less privileged. Among other partners are; the Gibbinos.

We also had a huge donation of a 40 foot container that will soon be used as a clinic to offer basic health care to our children and the surrounding communities. The area has no nearby health facility and people have to travel long distances to access medical services.

The medical clinic will be a great relief to the surrounding community and for those living further out who might be in need of basic health care.


Volunteers are a very important part of our ministry. We encourage people from different races and regions, both local and international, to come and volunteer at the orphanage in their own areas of passion or expertise. Thank you Jane Chirwa and Leo for visiting Kwathu Ministries and helping in various capacities.

Our current needs;

  • Bed sheets, curtains, clothes, bathing towels
  • World map for learners
  • Clothes from ages 2-18 years, both boys and girls.
  • Solar Pump
  • Support on the feeding program, monthly cost of $900
  • School bags
  • Socks, shoes for both girls and boys

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